captcha drupal 8


Creating a CAPTCHA in Drupal 8 is essential to protect your website from spam and automated bots. A CAPTCHA is a challenge-response test used to determine whether the user is human or a machine. In this guide, I'll provide you with step-by-step instructions to add a CAPTCHA to your Drupal 8 forms using the "reCAPTCHA" module, which is widely used and well-maintained.

Step 1: Install and Enable the reCAPTCHA Module

1. Log in to your Drupal 8 admin panel.

2. Go to Extend (Modules) by navigating to "Extend" from the top admin menu.

3. Search for "reCAPTCHA" in the module list or browse to find it.

4. Click the checkbox next to "reCAPTCHA" to select it for installation.

5. Click the "Install" button at the bottom of the page.

6. After installation, click the "Enable" button to enable the module.

Step 2: Obtain reCAPTCHA API keys

1. Visit the Google reCAPTCHA website:

2. Click the "My reCAPTCHA" button at the top-right corner and log in with your Google account.

3. Register your website by filling in the necessary details (e.g., Label, reCAPTCHA type, Domains, etc.).

4. Agree to the reCAPTCHA terms of service and click "Submit."

5. After registration, you will receive two keys: Site key and Secret key. Keep these keys handy, as you'll need them in the next step.

Step 3: Configure reCAPTCHA settings in Drupal

1. In your Drupal admin panel, navigate to Configuration > People > CAPTCHA (admin/config/people/captcha).

2. Under the "CAPTCHA module" drop-down, select "reCAPTCHA" as the CAPTCHA module to use.

3. Scroll down to the "reCAPTCHA settings" section and enter the obtained Site key and Secret key in their respective fields.

4. Select the reCAPTCHA version (v2 or v3) you want to use.

5. Configure other settings like CAPTCHA position, theme, and error message behavior as per your preferences.

6. Click the "Save configuration" button at the bottom to save the settings.

Step 4: Add CAPTCHA to your Drupal forms

1. Go to the form settings page where you want to add the CAPTCHA (e.g., Contact form, User registration form, Comment form, etc.).

2. Click on the "Form display" or "Manage form display" tab, depending on your Drupal version.

3. Locate the field that represents the form element where you want the CAPTCHA to appear (e.g., "CAPTCHA" for the contact form).

4. Drag and drop the "CAPTCHA" field into the form layout, positioning it where you want the CAPTCHA to appear.

5. Save the form display settings.

Step 5: Test the CAPTCHA

1. Visit the form on the frontend of your Drupal website where you added the CAPTCHA (e.g., Contact page, Registration page).

2. Fill out the form and submit it to see the CAPTCHA in action.

3. If the CAPTCHA is configured correctly, you should see the reCAPTCHA challenge, and after solving it, your form submission should go through.

Congratulations! You have successfully added a CAPTCHA to your Drupal 8 forms using the reCAPTCHA module, helping protect your website from spam and unwanted bot activities.